Note: Our Member Directory is undergoing some extensive maintenance, so here is an alternate search method. Sorry for the inconvenience.
The ISBONA Registry at CLRC
Every ISBONA member-breeder with registered Icelandic sheep is listed in the database at CLRC.
You can search their database for breeders near you by state or even city within a state. Not all listed will have sheep available necessarily, but it is a good place to start. Selecting those members who have recent Membership Dates will enhance the liklihood you will locate a breeder who is actively registereing sheep.
Note If you live in Canada, the database also includes ISBONA members who live there too!
Click the link below to search the ISBONA registry:
You will see a screen that looks similar to the one below, The search is already preset for Icelandic sheep and you don't need to select a breed.

Then choose the state (Maine is the example) or city and state and the number of entries you want to see on each page of the returned listing.

Clicking on any of the blue names will bring you to a breeders contact information.